Sunday, August 2, 2009

Of many dimensions on a cosmic kaissa board.

The dark witch had waited for the perfect moment, for distractions of epic proportions while she set up the game. To say I had underestimated my adversary would be vast understatement. I cannot say I did not know her capabilities. I did and had eased my guard around her anyway. She had chosen well though had she not? This opponent she offered to me now? He felt familiar as if we had known each other always. Someone I had shared my deepest secrets. Someone I had lain my greatest faiths and fervent trusts. All wrapped up in a vulnerable little package. I remember you. She knew my weakness. Studied it. Savored it well and now made it to her advantage. Always to her advantage wasn't it?

Glimpses through the bright white mists. His mouth as it oozed pretty petals, raining them as a blanket to fall in to. Safe so safe. Casually tossed away. Sweet sweet Mezoo. Danger flashed in lightning bolts. Come ride the thunder. Surf the waves. The shadows whispered. To be or not to be .. wrenching a fist in the pit of my stomach. The past is the past .. look to the future. What pretty eyes you have. I waited for the raven but he never came and all the while checkered parquets slid beneath my feet. All the better to see through you.

Your move. My fingers itched to clasp about his throat. To feel it tighten until there was no margin for air to escape .. yes pretty .. so pretty to watch them bulge. I studied the board already in play ... shifting, tilting, swirling in a spin. The dimensions scampering out of the light. The ground crumbled cascading over the edge. I felt the ledge beneath my feet shattering.. Fallen pieces piled to the side, some I recognized among the huddle, some I had never seen before. An Eye for an Eye then keep them in a jar. You have already taken many from the board.

They were of unimportance. Why do you care? As he removed the knave of swords to toss casually amid the rest, it was the illumination of his eyes that held my attention. Did you never know? His glance up to find me was ever so nonchalant. Puppet Master and his gambit moves. I wanted my voice to splinter through his veins and crystalize there like ice, to let the meanings echo across the realm ... Why do you not? Pawn for pawn. You care for them little Mezoo, how touching. I do not care what others feel. Ubara's Yearkeeper to Beast Keepers flank. A wagers face calm and cool I gave him while quietly extricating the strings.

Knave of hearts now protected in the shadow of the Wagon Master. I felt myself breathe. We are even then .. a happiness for a happiness ... yes? I felt the smirk I could not see. She was there ... there beyond the fringe. I could almost feel her wringing her hands with her hunger. She would feast upon the scavengings. Yet I hid my own while I awaited his next move. One I knew was coming even before the Or of Cups slid into place. Then the heir is now mine. I will have him at last. A question, not a question but an answer and a hope.

I let my fingertip rest lightly atop the remaining piece. That long standing rule applied, until it was removed I could linger and linger I did.

You forfeited that when you took the first piece. I felt her fury begin to burn into the farthest reaches of other worlds. I knew there would be vengeance sought on innocents that would never understand their plights and there was nothing I could do. Did you never feel? One more counter he could offer .. then another will take his place. Of course .. yes of course, I offered as I began to rise from the game. You were the predator. I was the prey. There was calculated enjoyment in laying the Ubara down onto the board and turning to walk away.

It was not his but her shriek that shook the cosmos: shifting it, swirling it. Setting it to a spin. The dimensions scampering out of the light. The ground crumbled cascading over the edge. I felt the ground beneath my feet shattering and I tried to catch all of the important things.

Another voice came raining down within the shards. I will destroy you .. do you hear me?? I will destroy you!

My own laughter raced past me while I was falling ... Perhaps it will be so but it will not be today, old woman. Send another .. stronger .. better and then we will see.